Transform Reference Guide

Put [Help Patch]

Exchange data between locations without connections.


Put varname





Varname can be the name of any inlet, outlet or state variable in any transform. It can also be the variable name used by one or more Get transforms. The scope of the name is relative to the current patch unless it begins with a "/" character.

When a new value is received by the Put transform, it updates the value of varname. If varname refers to the inlet of another transform, the transform will be activated as if it received data via a connection to the inlet. If varname is a variable used by one or more Get transforms, they will all be activated, even when they are in other patches.

Put can accept data of any type, although care should be taken when it is used on existing variables (e.g., inlets) of specific types.

See Also

Get Put*

Open Sound World User Guide
© 2000-2004 Amar Chaudhary. All rights reserved.